September is a great time to book your fall furnace tune-up because of the weather, scheduling, approaching winter, and safety reasons. Fall is here. Actually, the official date of fall is September 22, 2024. That means it’s time for a furnace tune-up, and what better time is there to schedule this HVAC service than now? At Dayton Premier Heating & Cooling, we know how important it is to keep your home warm and cozy during the chilly months. So, if you want to make sure your furnace is set up to successfully embrace this fall and winter season, it’s a great time to schedule your tune-up and safety check this month.

Reason Number 1 Why You Should Schedule Your Fall Furnace Tune-up in September –
Weather: First, the arrival of fall means that the current weather conditions for a furnace tune-up are pretty ideal. Think about it. Why September? When your furnace is serviced, our skilled NATE-certified technicians must be able to turn off your heating unit completely to ensure a safe and thorough inspection. As a result, this month is optimal for this HVAC service due to favorable weather conditions.
Reason Number 2 Why You Should Schedule Your Fall Furnace Tune-up in September –
Scheduling: September also stands as the perfect time to schedule a furnace inspection and maintenance service. Throughout the rest of the year, HVAC repair, replacement, and upgrade services operate at peak demand. During the beginning of fall, however, the decreased need for air conditioning systems typically leads to a relative slowdown in HVAC services as people make the slow transition to using their furnaces. This gives you the best chance of being first in line to book your crucial furnace tune-up and safety check at a time that is more convenient for you. So, why wait? Beat the crowd and secure your appointment now!

Reason Number 3 Why You Should Schedule Your Fall Furnace Tune-up in September –
Winter: Along with the changing colors of the leaves comes the anticipation of winter. We all know how winter in Ohio can be dragged out, so early preparation is always a wise strategy. As the colder months draw near, your best bet is to conduct a timely furnace tune-up, thus preparing your heating system for Ohio’s harsh winter weather. The last thing you need during the coldest nights is a malfunctioning furnace – an issue easily avoidable by scheduling a fall furnace inspection.
Reason Number 4 Why You Should Schedule Your Fall Furnace Tune-up in September –
Safety: Safety is another significant factor! Before you start heavily using your furnace this season, it’s equally important to make sure your furnace is still running up to par with current safety regulations. This is yet another reason why September is the paramount month for furnace maintenance. Ideally, you want to get it checked out sooner rather than later.
Did you know that there were carbon monoxide poisoning spikes during winter due to increased furnace, chimney, and gas line usage? Because of this, the National Safety Council highly recommends annual servicing of your furnace and other coal-burning appliances by a certified technician. By staying up to date with your regular maintenance checks, you can prevent potential hazards, ensure your family’s safety, and maintain your home’s comfort all winter long.
In summary, we at Dayton Premier Heating & Cooling strongly advise that scheduling your furnace tune-up in September is the best course of action. However, we understand unexpected events can sometimes delay plans. If September slips by, don’t worry! It’s better late than never. You can still book your furnace service in October or early November.

Bonus Reason –
Manufacturer’s Warranty: Finally, as an added reminder, regular furnace maintenance checks are essential for maintaining your manufacturer’s warranty. If this isn’t a compelling reason to schedule your tune-up today, we aren’t sure what else is!
We are happy to help you all year ‘round. For all your HVAC needs, you can reach Dayton Premier Heating & Cooling at (937) 412-2899 or schedule an appointment online now by Clicking here!